In any dynamic business scenario, there is always a need to align business strategies and execution processes in order to grow fast. To overcome such challenges, automation in business processes is mandatory. Since each business has its own strategy for growth across the border [ more ]
The greatest advantage to having a custom Facebook page is that your posts may go viral. Whenever you make an update on your page, the Facebook feed catches it. [ more ]
This is the primary reason why you need to have a Facebook fan page. If you want to market a brand effectively, then you are advised to use social media. [ more ]
We practice a standard industry process as per SDLC – Software Development Life Cycle. Following is the high level description of process we ideally follow to execute entire project successfully [ more ]
Project management is applying knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to balance Project Scope, Time and Cost (the Triple Constraints) in order to achieve the ultimate project goal [ more ]
We take care to provide best quality software in balance with the three dimensions i.e. Scope, Time and Cost [ more ]
IT staff augmentation is the most basic Remote Working Model for when you want to control and manage your offshore IT development staff in your own way. You divide the task between your own onsite team and offshore team based on the project’s complexity and the risks [ more ]
A fixed cost is the most suitable model for entrepreneurs for whom technology is a major obstacle to achieving their business goal. Just offshore all IT development to us and we take care of everything from resource management to final deployment, support and maintenance [ more ]
The Offshore Development Center is a strategic business unit (SBU) that acts as a subsidiary or isolated department of the parent company. Facilities such as infrastructure, skilled IT professionals (offshore IT development teams etc.) [ more ]
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